| 1. | Virtual assembly model with mixed control of position force 力混合控制的虚拟装配模型 |
| 2. | You also can change the distribution of the test mix using the mix control 也可以使用测试组合控件更改组合的分发方案。 |
| 3. | Standard practice for sampling freshly mixed controlled low - strength material 新混合配制的低强度材料抽样的标准实施规范 |
| 4. | You also can change the distribution of the network mix using the mix control 还可以使用网络组合控制,更改组合的分布。 |
| 5. | About the mix control >关于组合控件 |
| 6. | You also can change the distribution of the browser mix by using the mix control 还可以使用浏览器组合控件来更改组合的分发方案。 |
| 7. | The mix control allows you to easily adjust the distribution of tests in a scenario 通过组合控件可以方便地调整方案中的测试分发方案。 |
| 8. | The mix control allows you to easily adjust the distribution of networks in a scenario 可以直接编辑此百分比。在“ % ”列中键入您想要的数字。 |
| 9. | The mix control allows you to easily adjust the distribution of browsers in a scenario 这样便创建了一种与您的应用程序所用浏览器更为接近的浏览器使用情形。 |
| 10. | Based on control strategy , mixed control method is designed , which has improved the synthesis function of the system effectively 在控制策略上设计了带前馈的复合控制方法,有效地提高了系统的综合性能。 |